Bill introduced me to so many great books and authors who have not only entertained me, but made me a better writer. Authors like Harry Whittington, Ralph Dennis, and Dan J. Marlowe, to name a very few.
He edited two of my books, THE WALK and WATCH ME DIE, for Five Star Mysteries…and his advice made them better. I was thrilled when, thirteen years later, he agreed to write THE DEAD MAN: CARNIVAL OF DEATH for the series that William Rabkin and I created & edited for Amazon/47North. It was so great to be able to work creatively with him again and to share a byline.

I’ve enjoyed the many hours we’ve spent over the years talking about mysteries and books…and am so glad I got to visit him at his home in Alvin, Texas a year ago and see his incredible book collection for myself
I spent some time with him and his daughter Angela Crider Neary just a few weeks ago in Toronto…and he seemed so happy and energetic, that I believed he’d beaten the cancer for good. I still hope it’s a battle he can win.
I met Bill years and years ago at local SF conventions, knowledgeable, warm, and witty, a gentleman and a gentle man. Everyone just wants to hang out with him. You are not alone in heartbreak. <3
Hope he pulls through. I’ve never met Bill but I got a glimpse of his persona in some of the video snippets you both appeared in. I enjoyed his Outrage at Blanco and wish him the best.
I will pray for your friend, Bill Crider and hopes that he lives a long, happy and healthy life. God works in mysterious ways and if anybody can cure him, it is God.
Dear Lee, my comment should have read that I hope that he lives. I hate to be grammatically incorrect, bu t I am under extreme stress with two of my family in the hospital. I will try to type slower so as not to make any mistakes. Prayers go out to Bill for a quick and complete recovery.
Ah-h, now I know how I must have come to your attention, Lee. Bill Crider. Bill agreed to do a signing with me for my second book, Carcass Trade, and he didn’t know me at all, as a newcomer to Houston. He is, truth to tell as you have, one of the most gentle and kind souls to come into my world, even just a little bit of it. I didn’t realize he was involved in editing for you and in continuing with the series you and William Rabkin. I will sure get my hands on it.
Like you, I am hoping against hope that Bill’s immune system can somehow yet kick cancer’s butt. Nothing of that illness shows on his always-smiling face. He is beloved by all in “our” community. We are graced by his presence, history, and talent. I’m so glad you got a chance to spend some time with him recently. And now, thank you for your touching post.
Nope. that’s not how you came to our Brash attention. I owned your books and I was a fellow, Five Star author when JUAN DOE came out. In fact we may have met when you were doing publicity for your first one, because I think my copy may be signed.
I’m sorry to hear this. I know Bill only through his books and his culture blog and loved his personable way of sharing his life and loves. He’s a good man.
I was on a Bouchercon Toronto panel with Bill. Absolute gentleman and so very funny