I Am Developing a Very Intimate Relationship with my Keyboard

Sorry I have been largely absent from the blog this week…I've been concentrating most of my energy on researching my next MONK book and writing the "sample" chapters of a stand-alone crime novel. 

My goal is to give my agent a good, representative chunk of the standalone book — about 25-30,000 words — and a breezy outline of the rest after Thanksgiving so she can shop it around while I work on my next MONK (that's assuming that she thinks the spec chapters and the premise of the standalone are any good).

I've had a couple of pilot pitches over the last two weeks — neither of which panned out. But in both cases I met with executives who were new to me, so I see the experiences as a plus. It's always good to make new contacts. 

Speaking of which, I attended a seminar on Tuesday night sponsored by MediaXChange and CapGemini that explored the future of TV drama. Attendees included studio execs, showrunners, broadcasters, media consultants, and web pioneers. It was a very thought-provoking evening that I enjoyed a great deal. They also circulated an interesting report on the Future of Television that you can download here.

1 thought on “I Am Developing a Very Intimate Relationship with my Keyboard”

  1. Thanks for the download tip! I’ll read it tonight! Sorry that your pilots didn’t work out. In Canada, there used to be a show called, “Venture,” on CBC. It was a half hour and each show was a sort of report on how an interesting company got started and overcame the obstacles to achieve some sort of success, and what their outlook was for the future. At the show’s end, they’d update the audience about previously profiled companies. “Wall Street Week” is another variation, I guess. Anyway, I’m thinking that a show involving high tech and the business world and international economics might have a chance.


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