A Rawboned Novel of Primitive Love!

Over the weekend, novelist Bill Crider scanned the delightfully lurid covers of nearly 200 of his vintage paperbacks, many of them by Harry Whittington (under a variety of names).  I don’t know what I like more, the illustrations or come-ons like these:

"He used two women to feed his brute cravings."

"The sultry story of pagan revelries, lonely men, and a native girl."

"Her luscious body was used as a man trap"

"Faceless, he might be a devil or saint…but he had the lusts of a man."

3 thoughts on “A Rawboned Novel of Primitive Love!”

  1. I’m a huge fan of paperback covers. Robert McGinnis is one of my all time favorites.
    I was thrilled to see the Hard Case Crime series sporting the vintage cover look. Thanks for posting the link!


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