Sorry I haven' t been around here much. We have family staying with us from France and I had a book signing down in San Diego this week (on the way there, I stopped at eight Barnes & Noble stores and signed stock). I also have been preparing for some network pitch meetings and working hard on the next MONK book, which is due in a few short weeks. So, blogging has taken a back seat, though I've set aside a few things that showed up in my email this week to blog about later…
Any reason why you only stopped at B&N stores? Do you (or your publisher) have a special agreement with them? Just curious.
I stop at B&N because they usually stock my books in big numbers while Borders stores usually only have a copy or two, so it’s hardly worth the effort of stopping in.
Any hints on what the next one will be about?
It’s called MR. MONK AND THE DIRTY COP…Mr. Monk is in it and so is a cop who may, or may not be, a killer: Captain Leland Stottlemeyer.
Ohhhh m-a-a-a-a-n!!!! (Yes, I’m whining!) How long do we have to wait for this one to come out? Can’t wait to read it. Glad to see the good Captain…er, bad Captain?…get some focus.
Holy. Crap.
Hey, that is a great story idea! Does this mean that (my favorite) Randy Disher’ll get to do some cool “steppin’ up to the plate” stuff?