20 thoughts on “All-New Me”

  1. Sliiiiiiiiick, Lee.
    The site looks really damn good, and how great do those screen grabs from the television shows look on the TV page? Awesome.

  2. Indeed slick–and as I said yesterday, HEIDI ROCKS! You, of course, also rock… the groovy slickness is much deserved, as are the palm trees.

  3. Love the new look, on all of your sites.
    One thing though, maybe you could have links to external sites open in a new window?
    Just a thought.

  4. Lee,
    Been a while since I’ve had the chance to stop by. Love the new look! Very cool! Heidi has done a fantastic job with the site. Sheesh! Puts me to shame!
    Hope all is well!

  5. Looking very sharp, Lee. Maybe too sharp. Am I going to have to start wearing a tie when I come here? Will you have a guy issuing jackets at the door?

  6. Wow! The site looks fantastic! This blue colour is much better than the brown one. Just the link to diagnosis-murder.com doesn’t work…
    But all in all, Heidi has done a great job!

  7. The oceanic blue, the skylines, the palm trees…makes me feel as though I was on holiday. This is lookin’ awesome, Lee! Great job, Heidi!
    Bye, Georgia

  8. Very nice look. The photo banner gives it a neat Southern California vibe. Just two notes:
    1. The color of the links. The yellow color indicating a used link appears too light against the white background, and the red color chosen for the rollover is a harsh contrast against the blue.
    I checked a few other sites like MJ Rose’s, and their solution was to use only two colors: a darker color (like what you’re using), then lighter color in the same shade for the rollover (that means using a pale blue instead of the red, which contrasts harshly against the blue). Used links revert to the darker color.
    I don’t mean to teach Heidi her job; a look at my site shows how little I know, but I hate to critique without making a suggestion.
    2. Also, the Saturday column is cut off on the calendar.
    Apart from that, it’s perfect!

  9. Heidi didn’t make the changes on the blog (except for the banner)…that was me and Typepad. The colors are my fault…I am red/green colorblind. I don’t know why the Saturday is missing from the Calender.

  10. They all do (I’m talking exterior site links, like those to Amazon and stuff), I will check my browser’s settings. Maybe it’s my end that’s doing it.


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