The sun was out today in Myrtle Beach, where I am speaking at the South Carolina Writer's Conference. I had some interesting encounters today…in the elevator, a woman said to me:
"How much of your books does Tony Shalhoub write?"
"He doesn't write any of part of them," I replied.
"Then why is his face on the cover?"
"Because he plays Adrian Monk on the TV show."
She narrowed her eyes at me. "Don't you think that's deceiving readers?"
Another woman came up to me later in the day and said "Your books are very funny. Why aren't you as funny in person?"
Before my screenwriting seminar, a woman approached me and said "I'd like to attend your class but there's a more interesting one at the same time."
Other than those comments, it has been a great day…a long one, and tiring, but a lot of fun anyway. And I had the pleasure of signing with my friend Michael Connelly and introducing him as our keynote speaker. He was an engaging, self-effacing, and inspirational speaker, as always.
Tomorrow I have two more classes/seminars and then I take a late flight back to Los Angeles.
I’d say that claiming that Natalie is writing the books when she clearly is not, is totally deceiving. You should make her a co-author at the very LEAST!!!
I’m sorry that you had to deal w/ stupid people. Keep us informend.
I was browsing the book store yesterday at Union Station, virginia and your book ‘Mr.Monk and the two assistants’ caught my eye. Its been a while since I read fiction or for that matter any book as I have been busy at work. I thought a ‘Monk’ book would be perfect to get back to the habit, as I can relate to the funny character, it would be an easy read and it would be over in few hours.
That was how it panned out. Between metro train trips in the weekend, I finished reading the book and boy, it was fun. Your sense of humor percolates into the characters naturally. The book ‘destressed’ me after a rough week.
I look forward to my next Monk book. Keep writing…
Traveling IT Consultant
Back in the ’80s, the “Wise Guy” show was given a tribute by what was then known as the Museum of Broadcasting. An episode was shown, then the creative team and some of the show’s stars were on a panel.
During the Q&A session, a young woman asked Stephen J. Cannell if the dialogue was ad-libbed. After a few groans from the audience, Cannell smiled and politely replied that the dialogue was scripted. She was reluctant to accept his answer because the dialogue “seemed so natural.” — Sigh.
The most befuddling comment is the “Why aren’t you as funny in person?” one. In addition to all the teaching that he was doing, Lee was the Master of Ceremonies for the evening events – and I can assure you that he was very funny and entertaining!
Lee – thanks for making a GREAT conference that much better. I really enjoyed meeting and talking with you.
Thank you. It was a pleasure meeting you, too.