Add me to the chorus of people who are raving about THE LAST LULLABY, a terrific, l0w-budget indie crime movie directed by Jeffrey Goodman and starring Tom Sizemore as an insomniac hitman on his last assignment. It's based the novel THE LAST QUARRY by Max Alan Collins, who co-wrote the script with Peter Biegen. It isn't yet another in a seemingly endless spew of pop-culture-referencing, amped-up, martial-arts, dizzyingly-edited action montages masquarading as movies. This is the real deal, a genuine, character-based noir tale that packs a surprising punch. No bells and whistles. No CGI. No explosions. But plenty of mood, atmosphere, emotion and startling, unromanticized violence. And a touch of romance, too. This is a crime movie for adults who don't have A.D.D. Goodman says:
"I guess Lullaby is a smattering of things I like," explains its director Jeffrey Goodman. "If I have combined them in a way that feels fresh I will be happy. There's a dose of playfulness from the French New Wave, a bit of slowness of some art films, the naturalistic style of early seventies American film, and a strong commitment to narrative taken from film noir. Yet, in all honesty, more than anything, I just wanted to get away from irony and cynicism and try to put something on screen that was sincere."
He succeeded. Brilliantly. I loved it. Best indie crime movie I've seen since, oh, DIAMOND MEN.
Have you ever seen a flm from the 60s that was recently rediscovered, BLAST OF SILENCE? If not, I recommend you rent the DVD.
Right now, I’m engrossed in Collins’s prequel to the Quarry series, THE FIRST QUARRY, from Hard Case Crime.
As an extra I am happy to have played a small part in the production of this highly sucessful movie. My wife and I along with others stood for hours in the cold night during the shooting of an important scene. At another site my wife became very ill and the production staff members were absolutly marvelous in their attention and help for her. They were a great crew and I wish them the best on this and all future productions. Sincerely, Cliff Birchfield
Agreed. This is an excellent neo-noir. No distractions, just plot and characters. A spare, bare-bones story. It, too, reminded me of “Blast of Silence.”