Blog Suicide

Writers Digest is looking for folks who’ve committed Blog Suicide:

Senior Editor Maria Schneider is writing an article on bloggers who were burned by something they posted online. Have you ever posted something on your blog that cost you a job, a relationship or  a writing gig? We may want to feature your story in a future article  for "Writer’s Digest." Tell us about it in the "WD" Forum  or send an e-mail to with "Blogged and Burned" in the subject line.

It seems to me that anybody who has committed Blog Suicide, and then responds to this article, would only be compounding the original mistake. Why draw even more attention to your career-killing, job-costing, dumb move? Not all publicity is good publicity.

3 thoughts on “Blog Suicide”

  1. “It seems to me that anybody who has committed Blog Suicide, and then responds to this article, would only be compounding the original mistake.”
    Hmmm, seems like someone should update Frank Zappa’s song “Dancing Fool” to
    They all steps aside
    They has a fit while I commit
    My social suicide, Im a
    Bloggin’ fool, Im a
    Bloggin’ fool

  2. It’s called being “dooced.”
    From Urban
    dooced: to lose one’s job because of one’s website.
    “Dude, I heard Janey got dooced last week.
    “Blogger Heather B. Armstrong coined the phrase in 2002, after she was fired from her Web design job for writing about work and colleagues on her blog,”
    BTW, is one of my current favorites. Check it out.


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