Here’s the very short trailer for BUMSICLE, the short film I wrote and directed earlier this year in Kentucky and that is now playing the Festival circuit…
#1 New York Times Bestselling Author & TV Producer
Here’s the very short trailer for BUMSICLE, the short film I wrote and directed earlier this year in Kentucky and that is now playing the Festival circuit…
Wow, it’s pretty good!
The actor who plays your detective seems to have the presence to fill a shot and to carry the lead. He has that quality of being fascinating in every shot. I loved the line of dialogue the trailer went out on, with its nice emotional nuances.
I noticed with the music that the bass foot drum came through particularly well, bringing me into the story world immediately. All in all, it looks like a terrific amount of really good entertainment!
Looks excellent, Lee! Looking forward to seeing the whole package.
wow…nice trailer. Liked the ending. Good luck on the circuit!