Taking a page from Joe Konrath, I’ve been doing a lot of drop-in signings of stock. I have no idea if it makes any difference at all…but it’s a good excuse to visit bookstores. Here’s my tally for this week. Twelve stores visited, 71 books signed. Here’s a list of the stores visited so far:
B&N Santa Monica, CA
B&N West LA, CA
Brentanos Century City
Waldenbooks West LA
Borders Express Thousand Oaks, CA
B&N Calabasas, CA
Mysteries to Die For, Thousand Oaks, CA
B & N Thousand Oaks, CA
Borders, Thousand
Oaks CA
B& N Encino, CA
Borders Express Sherman Oaks, CA
B&N Ventura CA
Waldenbooks Ventura, CA
B&N at The Grove
Brentanos Beverly Center
B&N Burbank, CA
B&N Glendale, CA
B&N Pasadena, CA
Vroman’s Pasadena,CA
Borders Express Burbank, CA
B&N Redlands, CA
B&N Rancho
Cucamonga, CA
B&N Montclair, CA
B&N Riverside, CA
B. Dalton San Bernardino CA
B&N Palm Desert, CA
You may have noticed few, if any, Borders stores in the list. Although they carry my books, they tend to stock so few copies of my titles (usually one of each) that it’s hardly worth the trip. On the other hand, their subsidiary Waldenbooks/Borders Express usually have 6-8 copies of the newest title and multiple copies of the older ones, so I make a point of seeking out those stores.