I have some horrible news to share — author Elaine Viets has suffered a stroke. But she is out of danger and is, I am told, making a remarkable recovery. I am not surprised. Elaine has always been a fighter. I’ve known Elaine for years and have worked with her on various MWA projects. I have always admired her humor, her candor, and her dedication to her fellow writers.

Hi Bubba here, thoughts and prayers to her and her family.
From The Lipstick Chronicles:
“Word this afternoon is that Elaine continues to show amazing signs of improvement. While stroke is very tricky to predict, every indication is that Elaine is coming out of this faster than expected. She is regaining consciousness and showing signs of her old self. (Watch out, docs!)”
Fingers crossed for Elaine…
No one wants to tempt the Fates, but things are looking still better for Elaine – and Don – than when J.D. posted.
The words ” . . . complete recovery after tough rehab” have been spoken by men in white coats (no, not *those* men).
Keep the strong support and firm beliefs focused on their part of Florida, folks. We seem to be changing the weather with the force of our concern for Elaine – let’s keep it up.
Check in at TLC for more news. Rebecca The Bookseller has the inside track.
Our dear Elaine is a fighter and she will recover supported by our thoughts and prayers and all the people who love her.
Her penpal, Alberto, sends his love too.