If you want to save money, and avoid buying my book SUCCESSFUL TELEVISION WRITING, I suggest you hang out over at TV writer Paul Guyot’s blog. He’s been leaving one great post after another on breaking into the television biz. Today, he tackles the challenges of writing an episodic spec.

I still spent the money. I’m betting I’ll learn from it, too (as well as Paul’s blog.)
I’m also betting I won’t see a dime from television in the next four or five years.
On the upside, that takes all the pressure off, don’ it?
Yeah, all this is fine and well, but what kind of watch is he wearing?
Hey, that looks like the guy that ate Paul Guyot.
Still don’t understand the thing with the wristwatch porn, Paul – but I like to watch cage-fighting and professional sumo, so whatta I know?