My brother Tod has posted a link to the first chapter of his new novel BURN NOTICE: THE FIX, which comes out nationwide next month. He also talks about some of the challenges he faced writing the book:
I would be lying if I said writing this book wasn’t a challenge. It
absolutely was. I’ve never written a traditional crime novel. Anyone
who has read my work in the past will tell you that linear storytelling
isn’t exactly my calling card. Nor is having a narrator who is
reliable. Of course I’ve written linear work in the past. And of course
I’ve written reliable narrators in the past. But one thing I don’t
think I’ve ever written is a hero, even an ironic hero like Michael
Westen. My characters tend to be pretty fucked up and of course Michael
is fucked up in his own way, too, but not in the “he may have killed
his wife and daughter” sort of way. The challenge for me was to convey
him on the page in a way that made me enjoy writing him and also was
true to Matt Nix’s creation.
I think it’s the best book my brother has ever written, but hey, I’m biased.