I've been hunkered down the last few days with Bill Rabkin, busily writing our second episode of THE GLADES which, I am pleased to report, dropped a mere 5% from it's stellar debut last week. This bodes very well for the future of the show. Our first episode airs on August 8th…so set your Tivos now.
Wow. I continue to be amazed and fascinated by the succuss you’re having this year! I hope your episode gathers a huge and appreciative audience!
LOVE the Glades. Thank you. It’s nice to see a smart ass who has other things going for him.
Yikes! How about stalling the Florida faux-pas? Surfing at Satellite 5AM- nothing but glass, my friend-and it’s HOURS away from Tampa/Ft. Lauderdale. Sure, I love the Glades and as Florida ex-patriot living in CO, I have fun spotting the gaffes. Why not give Florda writer Bob Morris a call and get him in on this gig?
does it not annoy you – like it does me, unbelievably so – that the word ‘ass’ is consistently bleeped out in The Glades. I don’t know any other show where that happens – it’s an adult show – are we not capable of listening to adult dialogue – especially if it’s dialogue you wrote!