I found this nugget in Variety today…Nick Cassavetes is writing and directing an adaptation of Boston Teran’s novel GOD IS A BULLET. You may recall that Boston Teran is a pseudonym … reportedly for a well-known mystery author who wanted to try a different voice. While GOD IS A BULLET generated some heat, the follow-up book didn’t.
“Boston Teran”.
Mmmm. Two cities/towns making one name.
I wonder what other towns could be paired for a mighty good pen-name..
Jerusalem London — the famed travel writer, celibate, and esthete
Paris Washington — a fine writer of historical fiction
Reno Vegas — 50’s pastiche pulp fiction scribe
Venetia Madrid – high class porn writer in the Anais Nin school
I could go on forever. But thankfully, I won’t
God Is a Bullet was great. The second one, not so much. It’ll be interesting to see if the film preserves some of the darker passages of the book.
Did we ever find out who Boston Teran is really?