Today the LA Times published the program for next weekend’s big
Festival of Books. Borders took out an ad listing all the authors, including me, who’d be signing at their booth and it gave me a
goosebumps. It wasn’t seeing my name in the newspaper that gave me thrill — it was the company I was keeping in print. Why? Because my brother and sisters and I are going be signing our books at the Borders booth together. That’s right, all four of us — Karen Dinino, Linda Woods, and Tod Goldberg — have new books out at the same time. How cool is that? If you could have told me when I was a kid that this was going to happen, I never would have believed it. All of us published authors? All of us signing our books together? Wow. I knew the event was coming, of course, but somehow seeing the ad made it real. I’m so proud of them, you’d think they were my kids instead of my younger siblings.

This entry caught me in my tracks. There was no doubt about it. But all the same, it’s a fascinating vision. Congrats, Lee & to all of you & especially for the bubbly that’s coming.
very cool, lee.
I think it wonderful and intend to frame the Borders Ad. Isn’t anyone doing a feature story on the four of you? What are the chances of four siblings all with a book out? Slim.
Put your p.r. hat on and go sell that idea.