Grumpy Goldberg

Ian Hamet over at Banana Oil regularly reads my blog and thinks I’ve been grumpy lately (though he thinks I wasn’t  grumpy enough with the people I met at the San Francisco Writers Conference. Did I mention that they didn’t have a single copy of any of my books for sale in the conference bookstore? Grumpier writers than me would have walked away from the conference in a huff… but I’m not prone to huffs).

So I did a quick scan of my posts here over the last few weeks… and Ian is right.  It looks like I’ve been using my blog mostly to whine and complain (which proves, I suppose, that I really am a professional writer).  I’ll try to be more upbeat in future posts.

2 thoughts on “Grumpy Goldberg”

  1. Hey, in the last year you’ve broken both arms, had numerous painful surgeries, written at least one novel one-handed… In my book, you’ve got room to be grumpy.
    I was just saying that, occasionally, you’re a wee bit too harsh. And other times, as noted, you could be much harsher and I’d applaud. 🙂


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