How do you introduce audience to a new, tougher, more ruthless version of James Bond? I'm not talking CASINO ROYALE but LICENCE TO KILL. The Permission To Kill blog flashes back to 1998 and the aborted advertising campaigns to sell Timothy Dalton's second go-round as James Bond.
This is what they ultimately went with…
According to the caption, the “Bond Noir” poster supposedly looked “now” (i.e., 1988), but actually it would have looked “now” in 1964 — the typeface and gold letters are duplicated from the “Goldfinger” poster.
The Bob Peak red poster was heads and shoulders above the final dull photo poster. (But then, I saw the movie in theaters anyway. So the poster campaign apparently worked.)
Saw the film too in Summer 89 ‘ …Was appalled by the so many differences with the more tighly balanced TLD previous entry …
Twenty years have passed . Now , consider LtK one of the best entry of the whole saga !
Saw QofS in October 08’…Was appalled by the so many differences with the more tighly balanced Casino Royale previous entry …
Ah…Life’s an eternal re boosting !