I had this email exchange today. This exchange is verbatim, I haven’t corrected or changed any of the spellings, grammar, etc:
Dear Mr Goldberg
I was wondering since you published a few books do you know any good traditional publsihing companies? I translated my father’s book and I am looking for a publsihing company. Please let me know.
I replied that there are many publishing companies, but that she’d be better off finding an agent first. She responded as follows:
Dear mr. goldberg
if it’s not a problem can you please give me the names of some traditional publishing companeis you contatcted with.
Thank You
So I sent her a list of publishing companies. And she replied:
Dear Mr Golberg,
I am sorry to bother you thrid time in one day. I was wondering if any of those publishing companeis will agree to at elast conscider my manuscript can I tell them that you refered me to them or you don;t want me to? Do you know if you are going to be on any book signings in IL soon? Thank You
It is amazing how similar this exchange is to ones I have at my job. I usually have to pick up the phone to fully understand what they want and what I am able to do.
It is amazing how similar this exchange is to ones I have at my job. I usually have to pick up the phone to fully understand what they want and what I am able to do.
Oh, god. That’s terrible. Although I am “honored” to say that last week, when I spoke at the WNBA panel about blogging, I was cornered by one crazy lunatic desperately wanting me to read her book, and another less crazy woman who lamented on how hard it was to get an agent and did I, as an “expert”, have any ideas.
Haven’t been cornered on either the agent or the publishing company.
I’m pretty sure all that will change in about 6 weeks. Then I will get more unsolicited manuscripts than I know what to do with.
Then again, maybe not. The only people who know how to find me are ones who’d probably ask first and are more likely to dodge me when I say, “Can you put in a word to…?”
Dear Sir,
I’m currently writing a book and I’ve contacted Publish America, but since I’ve read some of the comments on this site, I’m unsure of which avenue to take. This is my first book. As most authors, I believe my book will sell without a problem. All I’m asking for is guidance in the right direction. I’m an educator in the field of cosmetology and pretty well known in the industry. I teach at trade shows, as well as, seminars. Several people are already asking when can they purchase the book. I’m teaching a class in Houston, Texas at a syposium on January 11, 2005, and would like to know; Is it possible to have it in some type of print by that date for sell to my audience, or what approach I’m able to take to get my book published. Please help me get on the write path. I don’t mind sending a couple of chapters to good publishing company for their review and comments. The book is titled: “BO KNOWS HAIR” Behind the Chair, In the Chair/ How to help our Guest and our Guest help themselves. Please point me in the correct direction. Until such time. More time.
Eugene W. “BO” Haynesworth