Even after writing fifty books, it doesn't get any easier. It only gets harder, so says Elmore Leonard in an interview with Barnes & Noble.
"When I was working at an ad agency, which I did through the '50s — I left in '61 — I was getting up at 5 a.m., and I'd write for two hours. I was just beginning to write. I didn't know it beforehand, but I learned I could write two pages, a page an hour. I did it all through the '50s. I wrote five books and thirty short stories that way. But now it's a lot harder; it just gets harder. For a while, maybe, it gets easier — you're relaxed, and you can just write what you want, and it seems to work. But then, you don't want to sound like you're imitating yourself, and you don't want to use the same sorts of situations over and over."
It's a great interivew. He talks a lot about his process and gives us a glimpse into the development of the book that he's working on now, which brings back Karen Sisco from OUT OF SIGHT and drops her into the world of Somali piracy.