ELLERY QUEEN MYSTERY MAGAZINE has just announced the winners of their Readers Choice Awards for the best stories of 2009 and I am stunned, and pleased, to discover my Artemis Monk story "The Case of the Piss-Poor Gold" made the list.
First place:
Mike Herron's "Dolphin Junction" tied with Doug Allyn's "An Early Christmas"
Second place:
Clark Howard's "White Wolves"
Third place:
Dave Zeltserman's "Julius Katz"
Fourth place:
Doug Allyn's "Famous Last Words"
Fifth place:
Doug Allyn's "The Valhall Verdict"
Sixth place:
Jack Fredrickson's "For the Jingle"
Seventh place:
Janvillem van de Wetering's "The Bleeding Chair"
Eighth place:
Lee Goldberg's "The Case of the Piss-Poor Gold"
Ninth place:
Lou Manfredo's "Central Islin, USA"
Tenth place:
Brian Muir's "Dummy"
Congratulations to all the winners!
Congrats, Lee.
I didn’t realize van de Wetering was still around.
Congrats. I liked not only the story but the book that it became a part of.
Congrats! Good work seems to come in bunches and the roll you’re on is gathering momentum! Haven’t read the story yet, but I’ll make a point of looking it up!
No need to be stunned. It’s good stuff. Congrats!