Here’s the final front cover of MR. MONK GOES TO GERMANY, which comes out in July. It’s virtually the same picture of Monk that’s on the cover of MR. MONK IS MISERABLE but with a different backdrop. (You can click on the photo for a larger image).

#1 New York Times Bestselling Author & TV Producer
Here’s the final front cover of MR. MONK GOES TO GERMANY, which comes out in July. It’s virtually the same picture of Monk that’s on the cover of MR. MONK IS MISERABLE but with a different backdrop. (You can click on the photo for a larger image).
So, when are Natalie and Monk going to get together already. We shippers know it’s gonna happen any time now, so why don’t you just write it that way? DUMP FIREFIGHTER JOE!!!
is monk coming back in the summer of2009
i really want it too, i really enjoy the show