For a while now, people have occasionally sent me pictures of themselves in far-flung places with one of my MONK books in their hands. If you're out and about, and happen to have one of my MONK books with you, please send me a photo (to Lee AT and I will post it here. (That's me with the Naked Bookseller of Quartzite, AZ)

what is that thing on his pants? looks scary!
Um, he’s not wearing pants. He’s nude…except for that sock-thingee on his, um, thingee.
He coulda held the book a little lower. I’m having my lunch, here.
Uh . . . lookie, a squirrel foraging for nuts!
Thanks, Lee … now I’m blind.
Is that a hardcover Lee, or is he just happy to see you?
How hypocritical! He’s not naked! He has a hat. He has sunglasses. He has beads. He is a disgrace to nudists everywhere.
It’s Lee and Woody Woodpecker.