Pardon My Interruption

You may have noticed that I haven't been blogging as much lately. The last month or so has been very busy for me. I finished writing a MONK book (MR. MONK ON THE ROAD), wrote an episode (with William Rabkin) of the new A&E series THE GLADES, came up with the story for my next MONK, did a polish of my adaptation of Victor Gischler's GUN MONKEYS for the Big Name Star who is now attached, edited a book of essays by a dozen authors on tie-in writing to be published by the International Association of Media Tie-in Writers, and I prepared for a number of pitches, two of which still may pan out.

On top of that, I wrote an adaptation of one of my favorite western novels (and it looks like the financing for that might be coming through) and have been preparing to write & direct a short film in Kentucky in September based on my short story "Remaindered" (more about that later). 

Amidst all of that, there was the post-surgery physical therapy three-times-a-week for my arm (that's finally over). 

So blogging has fallen by the wayside and may remain so for a while. But at least I'm not alone… my brother Tod, who used to blog several times a week, hasn't posted anything new since May 23rd.

5 thoughts on “Pardon My Interruption”

  1. Hi Lee,
    Could you please include in one of your next Monk books the character Harold Krenshaw. He is so funny, particularly when he and Mink are together!

  2. Brad,
    Thanks for the note. I’ve never been fond of the Harold Krenshaw character, or that rivalry over their shrink, and will not be using him in any of the books.

  3. Wow, you’ve got a full plate or ten. I would love to see a short film of “Remaindered.” I liked that story a lot.


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