Variety reports that PAX is giving up on original programming and going back to being an infomercial network. This news is sure to rile up the fans of one of the worst-titled shows in TV history: SUE THOMAS: F.B.EYE, the adventures of a deaf FBI agent who reads lips and her hearing-ear wonderdog Levi.
The show was shot in Toronto and our casting director on MISSING was always touting actors who delivered " powerful" or "unforgettable" performances on SUE THOMAS: F.B.EYE like it was the pinnacle of Canadian drama. The scary thing is, it probably was.
(Click on the photo for a larger image…and then ask yourself: Why does an FBI dog need a photo ID? Could you really tell the difference between the face of one Golden Retriever and another? And if the pooch needs a photo ID, why doesn’t she?).
Interesting timing, this announcement and the content of the latest installment of my blog. Please check it out and have response ready because I might quote you at a later date.
Thank you in advance.
That dog should have the decency to wear a mustache so he could be identified more easily. You and Tod have been on a roll lately–very funny stuff.
Ha! So it DID air on an American network the whole time!
I watched part of the season finale last weekend, and I wondered how those FBI agents and other DC types sounded so goshdarn Canadian.
Sarah, what are you talking aboot?
This is too funny.
A cheap shot from Lee Goldberg … Now I don’t watch much Canadian TV myself, but are we allowed to count really good French Canadian drama like La Vie La Vie? Otherwise I’d probably have to go with This is Wonderland which beat out our own comic dra…
Puritan Programming Passes Away
If you listen to some members of the Congress, the chairman of the FCC, and the would-be tyrants of groups like Focus on the Family, you get the impression that the good people of the United States are just dying…
There’s a very simple reason why your casting director would refer to actors from Sue Thomas, F.B.Eye: She casts that show as well.
If she cited performances from, let’s say, This is Wonderland, The 11th Hour, Cold Squad, or Blue Murder, she’d basically be promoting the skills of other prominent Toronto-area casting directors.
I’ve seen COLD SQUAD and BLUE MURDER. They’re on par with SUE THOMAS F.B.EYE…though they have much better titles and no wonderdogs.
i can not believe that such an excellant show is being taken off of the air. my 16 year old daughter is learning asl and has wanted me to get interested in learning, to no avail, until i started watching sue thomas. not only can asl be learned from this show, but it is a show that the whole family can watch. if pax is really getting rid of these good types of programming then what is the use of having that channel? i am not happy!
i can not believe that such an excellant show is being taken off of the air. my 16 year old daughter is learning asl and has wanted me to get interested in learning, to no avail, until i started watching sue thomas. not only can asl be learned from this show, but it is a show that the whole family can watch. if pax is really getting rid of these good types of programming then what is the use of having that channel? i am not happy!
do you know if Sue Thomas FB Eye is coming on dvd i am from the united kingdom and i am great fan please let me know i would buy them in flash thank you
Does the mean the end of DOC as well? And whatever happened to Mysterious Ways, or whatever it was called?
ITEM: There was a nifty joke about SUE THOMAS F.B.EYE in the third Diagnosis Murder book, The Shooting Script. The prime suspect threatens to send the director of her movie off to shoot episodes of SUE THOMS if he doesn’t curb his Kubrickian desire to endlessly reshoot every frame until he gets it “right.”
STFBE isn’t on DVD, and I don’t it will ever be. It ain’t that popular, and it has stopped airing.
I am a huge fan of the show, and am greatly disappointed that it has gone.:(
I really hope that they would bring it back, as well as many other good shows that have been cancelled. It really sucks.
Ciao, Angel
What a ridiculous comment from the first commentor or news splash on this page. Our family LOVED this show. It was a GREAT show and will be sadly missed. The chemistry and bantering of the cast was excellent. It seems many of you don’t know a lot about hearing dogs. They are “highly” trained and as for Levi, sorry to disappoint but there was no stunt double. He really is a wonder dog and how sad that you have nothing else to complain about that you have to put down a dog. Something TO complain about is how sad PAX is and what a disappointment. We used to love the network. Now……. Hope someone picks this show up!!!!
“FBI! You’re under arrest……”