Plugging Your Book

I thought I knew a lot about  promoting my books online. It turns out I was wrong. I recently received a review copy of Steve Weber’s PLUG YOUR BOOK: ONLINE BOOK MARKETING FOR AUTHORS and  while it told me a lot I already knew,  he provides plenty of good advice, many useful short-cuts, and lots of real-world examples drawn from all over the web. My only quibble is that he gives too much emphasis to Amazon, their reader reviews, and their sales rankings than I think they merit (Weber wisely urges authors to stay away from hiring a service to boost their Amazon rankings and gives evidence why it’s a foolhardy investment). Quibbles aside, there’s no doubt that his promotional strategies genuinely work…here I am, a blogger plugging his book online.

1 thought on “Plugging Your Book”

  1. Those pesky THE PERFECT STRANGER copies

    Since last weekend was a freebie bonanaza for everyone, this weekends is not. Its a special promo giveaway, explanation to follow. Before I get to it, if you expressed interest in the Camel Book Drive, Ill be contacting you in a …


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