PublishAmerica is in more trouble. This time, they are being sued for trademark infringement by Encyclopedia Britannica. Sarah Weinman, subbing over at Galleycat, reports that the lawsuit filing includes lots of references to articles about PA’s questionable business practices.
Seems that PA has an imprint that they originally called PublishBritannica,
which is supposed to be the UK arm of their Vast Empire. But alas, PA didn’t
seem to understand the whole concept of trademark infringement…
There are LOTS of things the dimwits at PA don’t understand…
Encyclopedia Britannica Sues PublishAmerica
Lee Goldberg repoted on his blog that Encyclopedia Britannica sued PublishAmerica. Media Bistro also reported:
Seems that PA has an imprint that they originally called PublishBritannica, which is supposed to be the UK arm of their Vast Empire. But a…
Britannica vs. Publish America
Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc. v. Publish America LLLP. et al
Assigned to: Honorable Ronald A. Guzman
Demand: $75000
Cause: 15:1051 Trademark Infringement
Gefunden: POD-dy Mouth, A Writer’s Life,