I get lots of questions about my books…and occasionally I even have a few answers.
I have read every Monk book that my library owns. They are wonderful! Will you be writing any more ?
Nope, I’ve been done with Monk for a while now. My last Monk book was Mr. Monk Gets Even. I’ve moved on to other projects and am co-writing a new series with Janet Evanovich. Speaking of which…
I’m love the Kate O’Hare and Nicolas Fox books you write along with Janet Evanovich. I seriously read all the books within days as I’m totally hooked by them. This is a surprise as I am one who will only read books if I am forced too.I would like to know of there is another book to the serioes that is being made or will be released soon etc. Thanks again.
I’m so glad that you are enjoying the series. We are in the midst of writing book #4…it should be out this summer or in the fall.
I have just finished King City, wow! Your characters in the Kate O’Hare and Nick Fox books with Janet Evanovitch were some of the best I had come across. Tom Wade is even better. Your blurb following the ending says you were hard at work on more Tom Wade books, but that was 2011. I was so disappointed to find none listed. And I guess I’m writing to encourage you to go back to that story and keep going. I liked the book so much in fact that I thought, well maybe I’ll have to write a sequel just to have more to read! A silly idea of course, but it will convince you how much I felt involved with your characters. I will now try The Man with the Iron-On Badge, and then maybe another series. Thank you, Elizabeth
Thank you for your kind words about KING CITY and the Fox & O’Hare series. I intended to jump on the KING CITY sequel right after I finished the book…but the Evanovich project came along and I haven’t had a chance to get back to it. My hope is to write it this year. BTW, “Man with the Iron On Badge” was re-released as WATCH ME DIE a few years ago in both ebook and trade paperback editions.
Dear Mr Goldberg,
Hello, how are you? Don’t want to take up much of your time…I’m a huge fan of the wonderful books you have written for the Monk series! I have a few of them and I was wondering if you would sign the ones I have and send me the ones I don’t have yet with your autograph. Thanks for keeping Mr Monk and company going!
-Meg : )
I genuinely appreciate your kind words about my Monk books, and your desire to have my autograph but no, Meg, I won’t sign the books you already have and send you all of the books in the series that you don’t have yet. I don’t give away my books. That’s not how I make my living. I also don’t sell books (not that you asked to buy any) because I am not a bookstore, either.
Lee: I wrote a full length script on semi vampire of genre fiction and fantasy recently and I want to sell it. Are you interested?
Why would I be interested? I’m a screenwriter. I don’t buy scripts, I write them. Besides, what the hell is a “semi vampire of genre fiction and fantasy?”
Hello Lee, I love your work and have read most of your books — Where can I see a list of new books coming out? I like to pre order so I don’t miss the new ones. Thanks for the many hours of great reading — I can just loose myself in your books. Julie
Thank you so much, Julie! The best place to keep up with my releases is right here on my website. Or join my mailing list, using the form on the right. My latest novel, THE JOB, also co-written with Janet Evanovich, came out in November.
Terrific, as usual!! I look forward to every one of your blogs. (and your books!)
I would still love another Tom Wade story
Start writing more Wade novles. Ya friggin yutz.
Any more Tom Wade books after King City?
I hope so. Everytime I sit down to write a sequel, another project comes along that gets in the way 🙂
what can be more important than Tom Wade? I average a book a week, and that is probably best book I’ve read in 2020!
Thank you, Kevin! I am hard at work on the third Eve Ronin novel (which follows Lost Hills and, in January 2021, Bone Canyon). Maybe the second Tom Wade will come after that.
The only thing I’m looking forward to more than a new Eve Ronin story is a new Tom Wade. Thanks for your hard work and engaging characters.
I noticed you used the character name Tom Wade in Watch Me Die, then again in King City a year later, but they are not the same character. Why use the same name? What’s the significance of this name?
No, they are not the same character. I just liked the name! 🙂