It looks as though all three of the "aliens invading" series launched this season have died. CBS cancelled THRESHOLD at midseason, ABC has reportedly cancelled INVASION, and the buzz is that NBC is scrapping SURFACE.
If ABC cancels COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF (which is likely), then none of their new dramas from last fall will have survived. But not all the news is bad for ABC’s 2005-2006 dramas… the network has reportedly renewed WHAT ABOUT BRIAN, the mid-season show from JJ Abrams.
ABC’s new dramas for next fall include TRAVELER (about college students framed for a terrorist plot), BROTHERS AND SISTERS (a new Calista Flockhart show), and MEN IN TREES (about a lady shrink who moves to Alaska).
And 7th HEAVEN may not be in TV heaven just yet…the rumor is that the entire cast is returning for 13 more episodes on the CW, which pay 20th Century Fox a $20 million penalty for failing to honor the WB’s full season pick-up of REBA, a sitcom that skews too old and rural for the new network.
Threshold was actually really finding it’s feet. It was altering up it’s template and bringing the action close to home. It also had a creepy quality that the other alien invasion shows really lacked.
Plus it had Peter Dinklage.
I liked Threshold, but I was unsure how they were going to bring it all together.
And I loved Surface. Damn! I’m beginning to really hate TV.
Goodbye Invasion, we hardly knew ye. It started strong but just didn’t go anywhere. Too bad, but good riddance.