A Google of the name indicates that it might be a British series, although the Brits usually put the writer/creator’s name first in the credits, as God intended.
Hamish MacBeth was a great little series, although the best episode isn’t available because it uses great screeds from West Side Story that preclude easy or cheap rights clearance.
They did show the West Side Story episode on American tv at least once.
BBC America occasionally reruns episodes, usually in the middle of the night. I haven’t seen one for a long time though. So they may have used up the number of times they can rerun it.
Video “no longer available.” Darn it.
Hmmm… works now. But I don’t remember that show at all!
I just accessed it (3:45 pM EST – 10/2/07).
Was this an American show? I am familiar with the novels.
A Google of the name indicates that it might be a British series, although the Brits usually put the writer/creator’s name first in the credits, as God intended.
It was a British series that ran for three or four seasons. The first two seasons were great…then it started taking itself too seriously.
Hamish MacBeth was a great little series, although the best episode isn’t available because it uses great screeds from West Side Story that preclude easy or cheap rights clearance.
They did show the West Side Story episode on American tv at least once.
BBC America occasionally reruns episodes, usually in the middle of the night. I haven’t seen one for a long time though. So they may have used up the number of times they can rerun it.