I saw BE COOL, the GET SHORTY sequel, last night (it was our date night and there were no other movies to see). I can review it succinctly with two words: DON’T BOTHER (or is that technically three words, since "Don’t" is short for "Do Not?"). Not that I’ve reviewed it succinctly, I’ll ramble a bit… GET SHORTY was a great movie. BE COOL is not. Everything that worked in GET SHORTY doesn’t in BE COOL. The only thing the least bit amusing in BE COOL is The Rock’s performance as a gay bodyguard…which, in a way, should tell you all you need to know about this movie.
By the way, is there an unwritten rule in Hollywood that Vince Vaughan or Jude Law has to be in every movie that’s made?
“By the way, is there an unwritten rule in Hollywood that Vince Vaughan or Jude Law has to be in every movie that’s made? ?
Just every bad movie.