A reader alerted me to this review of my book .357 VIGILANTE from Johnny La Rue's Crane Shot blog:
"It's straightforward and clean without
subtext, symbolism or suspense. Some of the dialogue could easily come
out of David Hasselhoff's mouth, it's puerile enough. The book's also a
bit long at 214 pages. But it's a good, brisk read with plenty of
action and pop culture references to make it a slicked-up, dumbed-down
PG-13 version of the Executioner"
I'm always amazed when people discover the .357 VIGILANTE books, since they were obscure even when they were published nearly 25 years ago…
My Dark Past, the Sequel
Not so long ago, I was surprised when a blogger reviewed my second book .357 VIGILANTE #2: MAKE THEM PAY. Now another blogger has reviewed it, too:…if you’re familiar with Goldberg’s TV work as a writer of middle-of-the-road crime dramas…