Thanks to that scumbag William Simon, I have become a YouTube addict…and to justify my nocturnal wanderings over there, I’ve created a blog of TV main title sequences.
#1 New York Times Bestselling Author & TV Producer
Thanks to that scumbag William Simon, I have become a YouTube addict…and to justify my nocturnal wanderings over there, I’ve created a blog of TV main title sequences.
So, it sucked you in too, eh, Lee? I spent six hours last week just watching videos of bunny rabbits eating and playing and hopping and sleeping…I really need to get a life. 🙁
You really ARE a TV geek. But thanks. I watched the title sequence for It Takes A Thief. And if there’s anybody out there too young, and who only know Robert Wagner from the Austin Powers movies, this guy–and this show–was way cool.
Or at least it was to me when I was a kid.
Mark Terry
“Thanks to that scumbag William Simon”
Aw, Lee, you sweet talking little bitch…:) Such a flirt you are!
You know I meant it in good humor, right?
Thanks to you, YouTube has become my crack addiction
Of course I knew, m’man. Us TV Geeks gotta stick together…:)
What I don’t know is why my comeback posted twice….
If there was ever any question before, this confirms it: I am the cool one.
Valerie doesn’t know, does she?
Speaking of IT TAKES A THIEF, those three title sequences have now made it my all-time favorite television show. Even though I have never seen an episode.
Oh man, Chris, are you in for a treat! And the 2nd season intro on YouTube is the edited version for synidcation. The full length version has a much cooler bass intro!
Here’s hoping when the DVD’s come out, the 2nd season will be intact!
(And yes, Tod, we’ve always known you were the Cool One…..)
The David Grusin theme for IT TAKES A THEME (all three or four versions) are among my favorite TV themes of all time. I also love his theme for THE NAME OF THE GAME.
And IT TAKES A THIEF was very cool in its day…I haven’t seen it in years. I remember it seemed very dated and had a real “Universal Studios backlot” and soundstage feel to it (then again, all shows of that era, including Star Trek, did too).
Do TV shows even have themes anymore? I think the networks made a huge mistake when they started elminating them a few years back. The extra 15 seconds of commercials can’t be worth it. For so many people, the theme songs and title sequences defined the shows.
Excuse me, but the awesomeness that was The Rockford Files theme seems to be missing, and YouTube has the first, second, and probably fifth and sixth season openings. Now that was one rockin’ theme.
Lee Goldberg wrote: The David Grusin theme for IT TAKES A THEME (all three or four versions)….
Lee, I’ve got Grusin’s 45 arrangement, John Gregory’s, and Willy Crook’s cut. Is there another?????
In German.
“Tennis hits and Cannons” is the best translation I can find.