Here's the latest poster from designer Brian Bolin for BUMSICLE, the short film I shot a few weeks back in Kentucky. And here's a link to the terrific end title song, "The Best You've Got," written and performed by Matt Branham. The song, heard out of context, may give you the false impression that this movie is a comedy, and that Detective Flanek is more Clouseau than Columbo, but that is not the case.
We're now deep into the sound mix and color correction. I hope to have a finished film by the end of the month…well in advance of our screening at the International Mystery Writers Festival June 14-17 in Owensboro.
This is so **cool**!
Back in the day I wanted to be a film director (kids, do NOT attend an engineering school, they’re clueless on the arts), so it’s great seeing another writer living that dream!
Break a leg or whatever the phrase for your branch of things. ;0)
Hi Lee,
You are experienced across several mediums, novel writing, scriptwriting, directing, etc. and I thought you may know more on this especially in regards your short films.
Are there any torrent sites setup specifically to distribute short films?
Once they have been viewed at various film fesitvals I would assume most directors (and the cast and crew) would like their film seen by the widest possible audience and I was thinking that torrents could be used for good, not evil.
Have you come across such a site and would you distribute via this method after the film festival circuit, etc.
Not thinking of setting one up but I have googled this and can’t seem to find a dedicated site for this, just some similar sites (clear bits, etc) but they are not dedicated to short films.
Just a thought.