My publisher is celebrating the release of DIAGNOSIS MURDER on DVD by offering 15% off any or all of my DIAGNOSIS MURDER novels on the Penguin website. Just enter coupon code DMURDER at checkout. Books #1 thru #6 are available now. Book #7, The Double Life, comes out on November 7th, 2006.
Offer valid for all orders received before and on 12/31/2006 or while supplies last.

Don’t discounts burn you though? Or does the publisher eat the difference?
Glad to see Penguin promoting the DIAGNOSIS MURDER novels. I must confess, Lee, that I missed out on the series when it was on TV — so the DM novels have been more or less my introduction. Not only are they well-written mysteries, but are completely accessible to a new fan like me.
And, as of yesterday, I am now the proud owner of season one on DVD; I can begin catching up! (It is fun to see they included the original JAKE AND THE FATMAN episode that introduced the Dr. Sloane character.)
DM on DVD? Fantastic news! My girlfriend will be so thrilled – she’s got dozens of shows on VHS and keeps seeing eps she’s already seen. I’ve inherited her love of the show.