Rush Limbaugh has been busted for possession of illegal prescription drugs… again.
Limbaugh was returning on a flight from the Dominican Republic when customs officials found a Viagra prescription that did not bear his name. Instead, the bottle of pills had the names of two doctors on it
according to the Palm Beach Sheriff’s Office.
(Thanks to Making Light for the link).
It’s true, they even have it on Yahoo, but they let him go as it was non-narcotic.
My first reaction to hearing the news on the local Right Wingnut Radio Station (KSFO) was to shout out, “Rush, you’re an IDIOT!” Then I laughed for about five minutes. I can’t wait to hear George Carlin’s punchline for this in his next routine.
So you want it to be true that a fellow human being is struggling with something that could ruin his health.
I guess when your first name is “Rush” you need to live up to it.
You mean he was taking all those illegal drugs for his HEALTH? You mean he wasn’t an addict? Oh, I suppose the illegal viagra was also “for his health.” I suspect that Lee, like the rest of us sensible people, want to see Rush Limbaugh humiliated because he’s a hypocritical, white supremicist lunatic who likes to whip up his trailer trash army of uneducated morons with all kinds of falsehoods about people. To see him revealed as a drug addict and liar is sweet, sweet, sweet.
It looks like the drug was Viagra. Now I wonder how many Left”Right Wing millionaires have a desire to carry around drugs with thier name on it when it is a E.D. drug? Still I agree if it was something more major, why is it alright on America today to enjoy the misery of anyone. Be it Rush, or a Kennedy?
He’s a hate-monger. He’s the Joseph McCarthy o f radio. Revel in his downfall!!
Rush Limbaugh delights in the failings of others. Imagine how he would be castigating ANYONE else (who isn’t republican, of course) who’d been revealed as an addict buying illegal prescription drugs.Now imagine how he’d treat the same person who is caught, a few months later, coming back from the Dominican Republic with illegal viagra. So don’t ask Lee to sob for poor Rush Limbaugh. The asshole is getting his come-uppance!!
I have no sympathy whatsoever for Rush Limbaugh.
>>The asshole is getting his come-uppance!!
Are you deliberately making a pun there? If so, congratulations — that’s the first time I’ve encountered that one today. I’ve already heard lots of talk about Limbaugh “doing hard time,” though.
As for whether or not it’s wrong to make fun of poor widdle Rush, I’ll just say this: Live by the sword, die by the sword.
Gee…*that* sounds like a pun, too. Jay Leno’s writers have never had a bigger softball lobbed their way.
I think the one thing people are overlooking in this whole deal is perhaps that most interesting question: Who fucks Rush Limbaugh? And, further, who wants that experience to last more than just a few moments? Can you imagine Rush having an erection that lasts 4 hours? I will say that I’d pay a lot of money to watch a Viagra’d Rush Limbaugh have sex with Ann Coulter.
The drug he had was Viagra. That was needed for his health, HA. When will they just keep the drug addict in jail? Oh no they can’t he performs a much needed service; making fun of liberals and women.
I was under the impression he was married…but haven’t paid attention for quite some time.
Considering the number of celebrities, both conservative and liberal, that get caught breaking the law, one has to wonder when it will stop being newsworthy…but then, what else could everyone talk about?
I will freely admit when I made my earlier post, I didn’t know the drug in question was Viagra. That does put a different light on things.
I was under the impression he was married…but haven’t paid attention for quite some time.
Rush Limbaugh had divorced his third wife shortly before making the saddening announcement that he had become addicted to pain killers. It has been rumored that the emotional stress of the addiction was the primary cause of the divorce.
My personal opinion, for which I have no facts to back up of course – but if I were Rush i would feel free to talk about it as if it were fact on a nationally syndicated radio show – is that he was taking his vacation on one of those “sex tours”… I can’t think of any other way that anyone would be having anything like sex with him
actually, he’s now dating Daryn Kagan of CNN, and has been for some time. no idea what’s wrong with her to be going out with a guy like that.