We’ve had lots of submissions for the first annual Scribe Awards for Excellence in Tie-in Writing arriving over the last few months inside the dormant volcano where the International Association of Media Tie-In Writers has its world headquarters…but we could use even more.
The Scribe Awards and How You Enter…the details are after the jump:
The International Association of Media Tie-in Writers will present six
awards in three categories for books published in 2006. We will also
honor one "Grandmaster" for career achievement in the field.
The Categories:
Speculative Fiction (Science fiction, Fantasy, Horror):
Best Novel (adapted) A licensed novelization based on an existing screenplay,
whether its a feature film, episodic teleplay, computer game, script, or play.
Best Novel (original) A licensed, original novel using pre-existing characters
or worlds from a movie, television series, computer game, play, or an existing
series of novels (ie new novels extending a literary franchise, ie DUNE, James
Bond, etc.)
General Fiction: (Mysteries, Thrillers, Westerns, Suspense, Historicals,
Best Novel (adapted)
Best Novel (original)
Young Adult (all genres)
Best Novel (adapted)
Best Novel (original)
Grandmaster (For career achievement)
The judging committees are made up of three of your peers from within the
organization, writers who know the unique obstacles and restrictions that
tie-in writers face, because they are tie-in writers themselves. The judges
will read all the submissions in their category and select both the nominees
and the winners (a system patterned after the Mystery Writers of America and
the Private Eye Writers of
among others).
Rules for Submission
* Authors can submit multiple titles, but only ONE BOOK PER
CATEGORY/ONE CATEGORY PER BOOK (i.e. you can’t submit the same book in two
different categories or multiple titles in one category. Authors who’ve done
several books in any one category need to pick the one title that seems
strongest and submit only that).
* Only authors can submit their books for consideration but we encourage you to
have your editors/publishers send the actual books on your behalf so you don’t
have to raid your author’s copies or pay the postage.
*Judges can submit their work, but obviously not in the categories they
are judging.
*The book must be a licensed work published for the first time between Jan 1,
2006 and Dec. 31, 2006. Only books with a copyright date of 2006 will be
eligible for consideration. Though novels published through December 31, 2006,
are eligible, entrants are required to get copies of eligible work into the
hands of the category judges no later than December 1st, to allow adequate time
to review the titles. Galleys are acceptable.
* All entrants MUST include a cover letter with each book. The cover letter
must include the following information: the Category you are entering, Title of
the Book, Name of the Author, Publication Date, Editor & Publisher, and
email & "snailmail" addresses and phone numbers for the author
and editor.
* A copy of all submissions — the book and cover letter — should be
sent to each judge in the category you are entering and to the IAMTW. Please
send an email to tieinwriters@yahoo.com for a list of judges for each
category and their mailing addresses. IAMTW members can find the list in the
"members only" section of the website.
* Submission is free for any IAMTW member. Non-members must pay a $10 fee for
each submission to cover our costs (payable via Paypal or by check to IAMTW,
PO Box 8212
The International Association of Media Tie-In Writers
(IAMTW) is dedicated to enhancing the professional and public image of tie-in
writers…to working with the media to review tie-in novels and publicize their
authors…and to providing a forum for tie-in writers to share information,
support one another, and discuss issues relating to our field (via a monthly
e-newsletter, our website, and our active yahoo
discussion group). Our members include authors active in many other
professional writer organizations (MWA, PWA, WGA, SFWA, etc.) and who share
their unique perspectives with their fellow tie-in writers.