I am blessed. Now people from all over the world are seeking out my wisdom and experience. The money is falling on me like rain:
From Mrs Aluwa Cabenca Williams & Son Benjamin.
Abidjan Cote d’Ivoire.
West Afrique .
Good Day.
My Name is MRS. ALUWA CABENCA WILLIAMS a citizen of Sierra-Leone. A widow being that I lost my late husband couple of months ago. When my late husband was alive he was dealing with international REAL ESTATE agency until his death. My late husband CHIEF CABENCA B. WILLIAMS left behind a total sum of (US$ 18.500.000 EIGHTEEN MILLION FIVE HOUNDRED THOUSAND U.S DOLLARS) My late husband package this money in one trunk box and deposited it in the Security Company here in Abidjan Cote D’Ivoire, and the Content was mentioned as a family valuable. He told me to look for a good foreign partnership and ship the trunk box for foreign investment. He advice me to invest this money on real estate or transport industry business.
Through I have not met with you before but I believe, one has to risk confiding in someone to succeed sometimes in life. Me and my only Son Benjamin have visited the Security Company and approached to to the director and presented to him the entire document my late husband left to us, bears with the name of my son Benjamin as the next of kin and including his death certificate.
I want to follow the instruction of my late husband to invest the money with my only son in your country, I will like to invest part of the money into any of these three investments plan in your Country as bellow. But if there is any other business with good profit, that is better than what I am suggesting, we will be very glad to follow your advice. Please come up with your idea.
1). Real estate
2). Transport industry
3). HotelI humbly request you to participate in this transaction and also give me professional directives If you are in interested and willing to assistance us. We will be pleased to offer you 25% of the total sum as compensation for your effort /input for the successful shipment of this Trunk box to your destinations address for the Investment Project.
Thank you for your understanding.
I await your soonest response.
Respectfully yours.
Mrs Aluwa Cabenca Williams & Son Benjamin.
You would have to be born with only a brain stem to fall for a scam like this. I have no sympathy for anyone that stupid.
I beat you to it!
I aleady sent all my information and am just WAITING for my check!
HOO-HAH! No more crabby editors and publishers with 99% reserves against returns!
Damn! And I thought this was my chance at International finance. It really is a cruel world for the clueless. Hey Lew! Back to the drawing board eh?
At least they didn’t flog a scab spec script