Off To Germany Again

I am leaving today for another two week stint in Germany, where I will be teaching for The Media Exchange and doing some consulting work for Action Concept, the country’s leading producer of action shows and movies (you’ll be hearing a lot more about them, and the work we are doing together, in the coming months). I’ll try to report back here occasionally…but don’t be surprised if you don’t hear from me much. Note: While I am away, I am holding all comments for approval before posting them. When I return, I will deactiviate the comment-moderation.

1 thought on “Off To Germany Again”

  1. Hey, have fun in Germany. And while you are there, could you PLEASE tell them that big explosions and car chases alone don’t make a good tv-show? I want INTELLIGENT German tv-shows, dammit! And that they should hire actors who could actually ACT?
    Oh, and I would be eternally grateful if you could also tell them to cut out the brainless telenovela crap… *dies*


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