The big presentation at the network in Munich went very well. My department heads all did a great job presenting their parts of the FAST TRACK world and the network loved what they saw. Now it’s up to us to deliver on what we’ve promised. Immediately after the meeting, my line producer Heiko Schmidt and I took an Air Berlin flight to Paris. We ended up not being seated together. I got stuck in a very cramped middle seat. I tried working on my MONK book on the flight but I couldn’t get comfortable and I couldn’t focus. The guys on either side of me were ogling the centerfolds in their German editions of Playboy. I still haven’t gotten used to the stewardesses handing out Playboys to the passengers. Everywhere you look its boobs and crotches.
Paris was another adventure. We arrived in the late evening. Our hotel was a dump (don’t believe the pictures you see on the web)…I’ve never stayed someplace where you get a bottle opener attached to your room key. But it was only one night and the hotel was around-the-corner from our casting agent…so we decided to live with it. We went out to dinner and my French got a work-out. I even chatted with the couple at the next table. Afterwards, Heiko and I did th
What life you’re living! Thanks for keeping us posted! Even with your maddening schedule, it’s kinda touching to see you sincerely missing your loved ones. If I spoke German, I’d apply as a personal assistant in your company. (Somebody must be looking for a high-energy former taxi driver with an English degree and an MBA, right?) BTW, are you going to be on any panels at ThrillerFest this summer?
I won’t be attending Thrillerfest this year. I will still be in Europe.
Sorry you’ll be missing it this year! We’ll have have to slog on without you (in the bar), you lucky devil!