On the Road Again

Zoegun5Yesterday, I kicked off a schedule of promotional events (that stretches into March 2006) by signing at The Mystery Book  Store and Mysteries to Die For with my friend Zoe Sharp, who is in the states from the U.K pushing her hot new novel FIRST DROP. She was accompanied by Andy, her swarthy body guard, photographer, sex slave, pack-horse, chauffeur and doting husband. We had a wonderful time meeting readers, chatting with booksellers and hanging out. My daughter Madison strong-armed Zoe into buying a copy of her book
For, Andy test-drove the owner’s new Lexus hybrid. Zoe will be posting some pictures of our whirlwind L.A. tour on her website.  You can also check out her road-trip blog.

8 thoughts on “On the Road Again”

  1. Mary,
    That’s an interesting question…I haven’t read her new book, but it’s designed as a standalone and to be the first in the series. Even though it isn’t. There are four previous books set in the UK and Germany. FIRST DROP is the first book in the “U.S” and is set in Florida. The second book, which will be called SECOND “SOMETHING” will also be set in the U.S. There are no plans as yet to publish the UK books here. So that’s a longwinded way of saying you can start with FIRST DROP and, if you’re curious, go back and read the UK books if you can get your hands on them. But you’ll be fine without them.

  2. Having only read the new one, and not any of the earlier ones, I had no problem following the story. I believe that the main character (who is terrific) is embarking on a new life as this book begins, so you don’t really need to know what came before. This is one series where I wouldn’t worry about hunting down the earlier books before starting it.

  3. Zoë and Andy are a blast. And so nice. I picked up the UK versions of her second and third books at Bouchercon (and the new American book). I managed to track down a copy of the first, but I’m still waiting on delivery.
    As to the don’t mess with that woman comment….she and Meg Chittendon did a great self defense workshop at Bouchercon.


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