Perpetual Halloween

There was an interesting article in the LA Times today about how celebrities dress when they go to court or attend other important social functions.

Most lawyers advise their clients to dress for court as they would for church —
a dark suit, a quiet tie, a tidy hairstyle and a minimum of jewelry. But
that’s just not Jacko.

Throughout his child-molestation trial, Michael
Jackson hasn’t been dressed so much as costumed.  And we’re not even talking about the famous pajama bottoms he wore to court at
one point. (Although it should be noted that the "just rolled out of bed" look
favored by so many college students these days didn’t do the child-man any

Plastic surgery aside, this trial has been about the many faces
of Michael. On his first day of court, Jackson arrived in a white suit with an
embroidered shirt and gold armband. The obvious reading would be one of purity
and innocence, but Jackson looked more like a lounge singer.

If you or I showed up in court, or for a handshake with the President of the United States,  dressed like Captain Crunch, Reaganmichaeljacksonpeople would be horrified…and it would be seen as an overtly offensive and disrespectful act140006270501_sclzzzzzzz__1 (Take that trekkie, for example, who showed up for Jury DutyAar dressed in a Starfleet uniform, Tricorder and all) .  So how come celebs can get away with it?
[Click on Image for a Larger View]

6 thoughts on “Perpetual Halloween”

  1. The pictures of Jacko leaving court could become the basis of a ph.d on body language as conveyed in the media. Recently, there was one in which he was escorted from court by his ever-present bodyguards, one of whom held an umbrella over his head. Three steps ahead of him walked, alone, his mother, bare-headed and no one either escorting her or shielding her from the sun’s harmful rays. And then there’s the one in which he was walking into court alongside his father, holding his dad’s hand with three fingers, and him scowling furiously. It’s public display as a psychological art form.

  2. Well, there’s Michael Jackson’s reality, there’s the reality of the Hollywood court of law, and there is relative regionalism reality. Where I live, for example, I have seen people come to court for jury duty dressed in clean blue jeans, cowboy boots, and cowboy hats, and the judge is dressed much the same under his robe.
    I have also seen people show up to court dressed to the nines.
    And in the end, it is interesting to note, the better dressed people tend to be guilty when the common folks are found innocent.
    What does THAT say, going back to Michael Jackson’s wardrobe?

  3. Maybe the innocent people dont care how they are dressed because they have “faith” in the justice system.
    Also, the guilty probably hope that their choice of wardrobe would convince the judge and jury of their innocence.
    Oh, and those aviators are a very bad disguise…


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