Real Movies

Finally, just as the summer is coming to an end, along come two real, honest-to-goodness movies to see — THE CONSTANT GARDENER and MEMORY OF A KILLER. It’s so refreshing and unusual to watch movies that are intelligent, well-written and brilliantly acted.  Go see them!

Watching THE CONSTANT GARDENER I couldn’t help but reminded of the idiotic Nicole Kidman movie THE INTERPRETOR, which was attempting to achieve the same impact and failed miserably. I was also reminded of OUR MAN IN PANAMA and THE QUIET AMERICAN…and countless other tales in that reliable genre of  "espionage and conspiracies at the foreign office in faraway lands against the backdrop of political and social turmoil." This was one of the better ones.

MEMORY OF A KILLER is a clever thriller from Belgium about a hitman with Alzheimers. I know it sounds like set-up for a comedy, but it’s far from it.

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