My buddy Paul Levine has brought To Speak For the Dead and Night Vision, the first two books in his acclaimed and beloved Jake Lassiter series, back in print in new Kindle editions. The rest of the books in the series will soon follow. These books are a steal at $2.99… and all the proceeds from the sale of To Speak For the Dead will go to the Four Diamonds Fund, which supports cancer treatment for kids at Penn State Hershey Children’s Hospital. So what are you waiting for?

Lee, you’re the best. Thank you. And for your readers, here’s the website of the incredible Four Diamonds Fund.
Over the past 30 years, Penn State students, through their annual Dance Marathon, have raised more than $60 million for children with cancer. Their slogan is “For the Kids.” That’s also the new dedication in the e-book. It was either that or leave in the 20-year-old dedication to an ex-wife! I don’t think TO SPEAK FOR THE DEAD will top that $60 million figure, even if all your friends and mine buy it, but every bit helps!
I just want to chime in for anyone who has NOT read these books, that they completely and totally rock! So go buy them!