I launched Cutting Edge Books specifically to publish this book and TALES OF A SAD FAT WORDMAN by Ralph Dennis because they didn’t fit in at Brash Books, the company I co-founded six years ago with Joel Goldman. Now those modest beginnings have grown into a more ambitious project to republish anything I like that has fallen out-of-print, regardless of genre, fiction or non-fiction, though at this point the titles have primarily been vintage paperbacks from the 1950s.
I’ve now got 50 titles in various stages of release and production for Cutting Edge…including novels by James Howard, Sterling Noel, Richard Himmel, Philip Race, Bart Spicer, John B. Thompson, Robert Dietrich, Norman Daniels, Ovid Demaris, and many others. The titles include my late mother’s fictionalized memoir ACTIVE SENIOR LIVING and THE STATUE OF LIBERTY IS CRACKING UP, a collection of essays she wrote with Marcy Bachmann about single parenthood and dating that was published in hardcover in 1978.
I am very, very grateful for the encouragement, advice and support from Paperback Warrior in this crazy endeavour and I look forward to hearing what you think of the books!