After only a week "on the air," novelist Richard S. Wheeler seems to have shut-down his blog, The Iconoclast. It’s a shame, because I was enjoying his posts and looking forward to his ruminations on the state of westerns in publishing today. The blog generated a healthy discussion almost right away with his take on the demise of the midlist. Anybody know why he decided to quit so soon?
I know you’ve talked with Richard about his blog. He was a bit overwhelmed. I’m trying to convince him to add his excellent musings to my blog. He’s added a book review, but I hope for more in the future.
I enjoy your blog and check in often. Atwood’s remote booksigning is hoot. For those of us who sit in bookstores for hours and only sign two copies, her idea is compelling. For someone like Atwood, that type of lackluster event rarely happens, but she obviously isn’t terribly interested in fan realtions.