7 thoughts on “TV Main Title of the Week – German Edition”

  1. well, stuff doesn’t blow up all the time, but as the trailer already reveals, the show contains many action scenes.
    I always liked the show, but dunno if they’re airing it right now in Germany?

  2. I gotta admit I liked the parodies better than the actual show, but no, really, stuff doesn’t blow up ALL the time. You gotta stick to the order, they first have the car chases before the stuff blows up (though occasionally stuff blows up first and they have the car chase then…). The show’s only on in Austrian TV right now, not on any German channel, though.

  3. ALARM FOR COBRA 11 is still on the air and doing great. In fact, the show starts it’s 11th season on RTL next month and is already renewed for 12th.


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