My brother Tod had the following conversation at the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books:
A couple walked up to me after a panel on Sunday and looked very excited.
Man: We always come to the panels you're on!
Me: Oh, thanks, I appreciate it.
Man: We just loved The Walk! [a book my brother Lee wrote]
Me: Oh, uh, yeah, it's a good book.
Woman: Will you ever write another book like The Walk?
Me: Probably not.
Man: Is it even still in print?
Me: Yes. It's sold over 2 million copies. So I would think so.
Man: Really?
Me: Really.
Woman: It's so different from your other books.
Me: You think so?
Woman: It's nothing like Living Dead Girl.
Me: Well, I wrote The Walk when I was in recovery.
Me: So, I was a different person with that book.