Yeah, I know BOARDWALK EMPIRE and MAD MEN are on tonight. But please don't forget to set your DVR's for tonight's episode of THE GLADES, which I wrote with William Rabkin. It's entitled "Booty" and it's all about pirate treasure, murder, and the relationship between Longworth & Callie, which changes significantly before the end credits roll…
I happen to see an old “Calvin and Hobbes” comic last week. In it they were pretending to be pirates.
Calvin was going on about their pirate stuff and Hobbes hands him a piece of baby’s footwear. Calvin asks what this is and Hobbes says, “It’s our booty”.
I now think of that when I here pirate booty.
I’m late in reading this post, but the show’s stored on the DVR already. It’s become one of my favorite new series of the season, and I look forward to seeing your episode!