I’ve started using Typepad’s new option requiring people to register with Typekey before leaving comments… I’m hoping this will cut down on some of the "trolling" done by anonymous users who post simply to keep the flames burning. I apologize in advance for the inconvenience this will cause, at first, to my friends and regular participants on this blog.
No problem. Hey, people, signing in to TypeKey is dead easy.
It’s like our existences are being reduced to managing spam: you’re born, you manage spam, you die. And the bastards probably spam your funeral.
OK, I’m in. So what are we going to talk about. Hey Dean, how are you man?
Ok, I’m in. Now what are we going to talk about? Hey Dean. How are you man?
Okay, all signed in but what was the $50 “donation” for exactly?
THAT was interesting…
Easy, but confusing. But…done. There’s an offer for free Typepad for a while to go with it.
Now you won’t know who I am since I signed up with my internet name months ago.
Thought you got rid of me, eh? I signed up long ago so I could bug Roger Simon.
At least this time I was taken back here after logging in. Never could do that before.
Now, if I only had something to chat about …
Well, that was a oain in the butt…
Don’t know why, but it took me over an hour and two emails to “typekey” to get them to “fix” my account.
Here’s my authentication:
Lee – you and I had lunch in Monterey with a couple of folks at LCC once…
So, wait, I can’t anonymously call you an asshat anymore? Where’s the fun in that?
I have to agree with Tod on that one… but I do see the benefits 😉
Good idea, and yes on the Roger Simon reason Bill.
Well, thank God. I haven’t been banned. I was worried. After those twin debacles at PABAAH and freerepublic.com, I though I was going to be persona non grata on the ‘net for the rest of my life.
Is there a secret handshake or anything? Do we talk in whispers? Take calls on our shoephones?
Newsflash Number One: Lee you yourself are a troll.
Newsflash Two: The internet is full of people with too much free time in their hands(Like You) Something like a thirty second registration is not going to stop them. Especially considering how many people you pissed off before hand.
You want to stop the trolling? Than shut the hell up about fanfiction. If you won’t stop neither will they.
This is try #708 to reach Message Control Secret Password Preview Post Central and it appears to have worked, all thanks due to the King of Anti-Fanfic and Brother of Tod, well-known educator. Thank you, Lee…
Yeah, Lee, what the heck you think you’re doing, speaking your mind like that? You think this is America or something?
And speaking of Whittington, I picked up a Matt Helm pb at Goodwill. Can’t recall the name, but it’s after the war and he’s called in from retirement to go to Finland. Fast-moving, snappy dialog. Don’t know if the author went to Finland, but he fakes it real good.
Is there anybody who writes like that now?
I’m part of the community here now!
Was there a ruling on the secret handshake yet?
I have a shoephone if it goes in that direction.
Will talking in whispers mean we have to use smaller fonts?
Let me know.
It only took me a half dozen attempts to figure it out.
Dawg: Hey Dean, how are you man?
I’m actually pretty good, thanks.
he’s called in from retirement to go to Finland. Fast-moving, snappy dialog. Don’t know if the author went to Finland, but he fakes it real good.
I think it was easy to write about Iron Curtain countries post-war, because practically nobody ever went to any of them. They were a convenient Symbol of Looming Evil.
God, I wish we had a simple monolithic menace to use today.
In retrospect,the Soviet Union probably failed because it had become nothing more than a plot device.
Hey, not only did I already have a Typepad ID, I even remembered the password. What’re the odds?
Now if only I could remember when the hell I signed up …
“”Yeah, Lee, what the heck you think you’re doing, speaking your mind like that? You think this is America or something?””
No he can speak out all he wants. Of course if he can speak out that means others can do so as well. (Not sure cyber space could be considered to be part of America though)
“”It only took me a half dozen attempts to figure it out.””
Now that is just fucking sad.
Genuine comment spam — Free Viagra HERE HERE HERE!!! — is definitely an issue, particularly when it comes to SixApart’s products, though there’s no way in the world to stop trolling short of killing comments altogether. Mandatory registration also has a tendency to destroy comment traffic, as I’m sure you noticed, hence the return to business as more-or-less usual.
Interestingly enough, TypeKey is proving to be pretty much useless in the fight against comment spam, as all spammers have to do is register with the service in order to keep on keeping on.
You’re right, James…So I’ve more or less scrapped the Typekey requirement. Not only that, Typekey is buggy. I was having trouble leaving comments on my own blog!
Not being able to leave messages on your own blog would be an issue Lee!!! An amusing one however!!